In the absence of a drip edge, wind driven rain could compromise the affected roofing structure. When a structure has been compromised, it does not carry out its function in the most effective manner.

The function of a roof’s drip edge

• It directs rainwater away from the roof and onto the gutter.
• It makes use of the cohesion principle. According to that principle, water droplets tend to stick to the surface on which they have fallen.
• It keeps water from sticking to the roof’s shingles.
• It keeps any wind from pushing rainwater upwards, which would allow it to accumulate under the roof.
• By limiting the amount of water that gets under the roof’s shingles, it works to prevent the growth of mold and algae in that same area.

What are the best materials to use in a drip edge?

Roofing experts in San Mateo know that aluminum is good, because it does not corrode. Additionally, it is true that once steel has been galvanized, then it is also safe to use. The 24-gauge size is the one that is recommended for homeowners.
Copper has the same non-corrosive properties as aluminum and galvanized steel. Homeowners looking for the best size should request either 0.69 mm copper, or the 20- ounce size of the same metal.

What materials should homeowners avoid, when buying the material that will be used in the roof’s drip edge?

Stay with the sturdier materials, such as aluminum, galvanized steel and copper. It is best to avoid using something that does not help the drip edge to perform its function in an effective manner.

Avoid using plastic. It does not hold up well, if it gets exposed to wind and rain. Hence, it lacks the ability to do an effective job of keeping wind-driven rainwater from entering the space that is under the roof’s shingles. Vinyl is too fragile to use in a drip edge. It could crack in response to a strong wind. Experts suggest that it is good to avoid using fiberglass as well. Like vinyl, it is rather fragile.

What should a homeowner do if he or she is shown a plastic, vinyl or fiberglass drip edge? That homeowner might ask to conduct a test. That test should show how the suggested material handles any water that is dropped onto it.

In other words, what happens to those drops of water? Do they stick to the material that has been suggested? A good drip edge should encourage the water drops to stick to the surface of its material.

Consider the drip edge’s function. It is supposed to keep rainwater from sticking to the shingles. It does that by causing the drops of rain to stick to the surface of the drip edge. By focusing on that function, a thoughtful homeowner should be able to find the ideal material.