Any homeowner that seeks an honest and helpful answer to the question in the title ought to indicate the nature of the roof’s materials. Not all roofs have the same lifespan. Yet by knowing that lifespan the homeowner’s concerns, regarding the time for a replacement, can be answered in a way that provides more valuable information.


What are the expected lifetimes for different types of rooftops?

One that contains asphalt shingles should last for 20 years. One that has wooden shingles should have a lifespan of 20 to 30 years. If a home’s roof has been built by using slate, tile or cement, then it should ensure the homeowner’s freedom from replacement-associated worries for as much as 50 years.

What actions should be taken in order to extend a roof’s lifetime to the greatest extent possible?

The most important action relates to inspections for roof repair in Sunnyvale. A roof needs to be inspected at least twice each year. In that way a problem can be caught at a very early stage. At that point the minimal amount of damage can be corrected without introducing the necessity for costly repairs. Naturally, the person doing the inspection should look for cracks. At the same time, that volunteer or professional roof inspector ought to note any signs that some of the shingles’ granules have worn away. Those granules are part of the rooftop’s protective covering.
If a home has been built under a group of trees, then the inspector’s job becomes all the more important. Twigs and branches can land on a section of roofing and do real damage. Even if a branch did not hurt the roofing, it could still direct the flow of water in a harmful fashion.

What are some signs that the time for replacement seems to be approaching quickly?

If the roofing sags in any area, that sends a clear message. A sagging roof cannot be viewed as a reliable form of protection. For that reason, it must be replaced. If an inspection aids discovery of patches of mold or moss, then that observed growth highlights the value in planning for a replacement in the near future. It does not pay to give such plant growth an opportunity to do lots more damage. That would only change a well-planned effort into one that must address an emergency issue.
The final sign relates to water damage. As the roof’s ability to function properly diminishes, water may leak into the home. Evidence of such leaks usually develops in the form of stains.If allowed to progress, water damage can affect a home’s foundation. For that reason, a roof inspection needs to include a good look at the foundation. If it has started to crumble, then that could be a signal that the roofing should be replaced.