Some signs are obvious; others are hard to spot. Both indicate a chance for future trouble.

What to watch for, during inspection of shingles?

• Are there any signs of discoloration?
• Has any shingle’s shape become distorted?
• Did the inspection uncover any cracked shingles?
• Is there any evidence of missing shingles?

What other sections of the rooftop should be examined?

Examine the flashing, the materials used to join sections of the roof. Flashing gets placed on the sides and on the corners of the chimney. Damaged flashing serves as a clue, one that helps to announce a leak’s existence.

If you have become familiar with your home’s rooftop, then you should be able to note the development of damage in any section. That would include any section in a flashing-covered corner, or in one of the places where 2 sections of flashing have been joined together.

Observations that call for swift action:

Evidence of mold or moss that is growing in spots on the rooftop: Such growth should be removed. That growth threatens the condition of the affected roofing materials. The pressure from the moss has the ability to distort a shingle’s shape.

Do not overlook any moss or mold on the home’s external walls; that could signal the existence of leaking water. Also take the time to check the insulation in the attic. Is there any mold growing on that insulation? That would suggest the presence of a moist area on the same insulation.

A buildup of leaves and other organic matter in the gutters: Water should be able to flow freely in the gutters, otherwise it could spill onto the rooftop. Roofs have been designed to encourage a flow of water into a nearby section of the gutter. Homeowners that want to prevent development of such problems arrange for removal of the unwanted materials.

Examine the walls and ceiling, inside of the home.

Roofing contractor in San Mateo knows that stain spots on the home’s walls or ceiling could form following the creation of a leak. Look down, as well as up. Are there any spots of water on the floor? That is a sure sign of a leak.

Does the home’s basement flood during a heavy rain? If so, that could be an indication that leaking water has damaged the roof.

A hidden clue that could point to a potential leak

A shiner nail: That is a nail that was used in the wood that is part of the rafters. In colder climates, shiner nails can develop a coating of frost, when temperatures drop. When the temperatures warm up, the frost on the shiner nails melts. That melted frost could drip onto spaces beneath the rooftop. Eventually, it might cause development of water damage.