Winds can damage roofing. Certain sections of the rooftop tend to be more susceptible to the winds’ effects.

What parts of the roofing are most susceptible to the effect of the wind?

• The corners
• The edges
• The ridgeline

Wind can enter the space under a shingle.

It might cause a lifting of the shingle, while the nail that was supposed to hold that same shingle in place would remain intact. Due to the absence of obvious changes in the nail’s appearance, the damage created by the wind could go unnoticed.

Winds can blow debris onto the roof’s surface.

A sharp object could scratch that same surface. Later, any soil that might have been hit by rain would become capable of supporting certain plant life, such as moss or mold.

What to watch for, during an effort to detect evidence of the wind’s damaging effects?

Watch for any evidence that water has leaked into some part of the house. Do not ignore closed areas, like closets or cupboards. A leak could cause a discoloration of some shelf in a cupboard.

Walk around the house and check for any sign of a missing shingle. Pay special attention to the condition of the corners, edges and ridgeline. Also check for curling shingles. Once a shingle’s edge has been lifted on a windy day, it might start to curl.

Get on the roof and examine the chimney. What is the condition of the flashing around the chimney? Has any flashing started to split? Is there any spot that appears to suffer an absence of flashing?

Know when to seek assistance from a professional roofer

In order to perform the jobs listed above, it helps to have the right equipment. For instance, without a flashlight, the person carrying out an inspection would be unable to peer into every nook and corner.

Furthermore, a thorough inspection would include an examination of the floors throughout the residence, even those behind heavy appliances. If that task has appeared too difficult, then it would pay to contact a professional roofer.

Understand the nature and extent of the roofer’s skills. The roofer’s training has included guidance on how to walk on a roof’s surface. A homeowner’s lack of training could result in damage to parts of the roofing.

Furthermore, roofers in San Mateo should offer health coverage to its workers. Homeowners must rely on their own health insurance, in the event of an accident. Do not overlook the chances for creation of roofing-related damage. Insurance companies do not cover damages that have resulted from an attempt at a DIY job. Moreover, such damaging changes during a DIY project might have the ability to force cancelation of a warranty.