The majority of homeowners considers some but not all potential sources of roof damage. They may think about weather conditions, natural wear and tear that comes along as materials age, storms, and maybe even wildlife, but few consider how trees may damage their roofs if they aren’t properly maintained.

Regardless of how many trees there are surrounding your home, even just one can already cause, not just short, but also long-term damage. The closer the tree is to your home, the bigger a threat it poses. Regular roofing inspections can help you prevent and address damages, but it also helps when you know what to watch out for on your own. It helps to subscribe to the local roofing contractor preventive maintenance services and they come on a fixed schedule to check the roof and get the minor damages repaired on time.

Keep an eye out for overhanging branches

Be it heavy storms or strong snowfalls – many extreme weather conditions can cause healthy branches to snap in two and, if they are hanging over your roof, cause serious damage to shingles. If this happens too often, the damage will spread and worsen to a point where leaks are caused.

In order to avoid this, you can go by the general rule of thumb of always leaving a minimum of ten feet between your roof and any overhanging branches of surrounding trees. It is also important that you schedule in some inspections of your trees by the Roofers In Sunnyvale in order to spot early warning signs of decay or rot which could cause limb or even full on tree failure. Discarding of branches or trees that could fall on your home is the best way of preventing damages.

Clear your roof of leaves on the regular

If you allow leaves to accumulate on your roof, especially under a blanket of snow during the winter months, then you are allowing moisture to become trapped against the shingles of your roof. This can, over time, cause severe damages such as leaks. The best way to avoid this is to clean out your gutters and clean off your roof with a certain frequency, especially during fall season.

It is vital that you clean out your gutters on a regular basis

As already mentioned, leaves can accumulate in your gutters, but so can other debris as well. When that happens, your gutters will become clogged which leads to water build up and, ultimately, damage to the very foundation of your home. Thus, it is vital that you clean out your gutters on a regular basis, especially before winter since that is a time where clogging is specifically prone to occur.