In California, the sun’s rays beat down on residential roofing for a large part of the year. How does that affect the roof’s surface?

UV light deteriorates asphalt shingles.

It causes them to form blisters, and it causes them to buckle. Those unwanted changes allow the removal of waterproofing materials. As a result, materials that were not designed to resist the effects of water get exposed to the elements.

In summer, there are days when the temperature climbs to 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

The combination of heat and sun sets the stage for deterioration of the roof’s color. That takes place regardless of the type of shingles that have been used on the home’s rooftop.

As a result of the heat, areas of the attic experience period of expansion. Later, as the heat tries to escape, the expanded regions start to contract. The combination of expansion and contraction forces some of the nails in the roofing to pop upwards. The popping of nails creates spaces where rainwater has a chance to get past the roof’s protective surface. In other words, it encourages formation of leaks. That is why it is essential that insulation is checked.

During the summer there are days when oppressive humidity replaces the dry heat.

If a humid day were followed by a cool night, then the moisture in the air would condense, allowing spots of water to develop on the roof’s surface. If any of those spots happened to be close to a region that the homeowner failed to clean, then the damp soil could nurture the growth of moss or mold.

Roof repair expert in San Mateo knows that no smart homeowner welcomes the emergence of moss or mold underneath one or more shingles. Either one of those plants has the capacity to reduce the effectiveness of the roof’s protective materials. After all, those materials were not designed to support the growth of any type of plant life.

Too often, homeowners assume that an absence of winds or storms all but eliminates the chances for damage to some part of the home’s rooftop. Unfortunately, that is not the case. A combination of humidity and fluctuating temperatures has the ability to be just as damaging.

At the same time, the unseen damage allows for creation of complacency. Yet every professional roofer understands what can happen, if a homeowner’s outlook were to reflect complacency, in the absence of winds and heavy rainfall. It is important to know more about the roofing issues from a professional so that you can keep a tab on the signs of repairs.